Daily Gleaning - Jesus makes himself known
In today's Morning Prayer, we came to Luke 24 and read in verse 30-32 (concerning Jesus who appeared to the disciples after the Resurrection):
"And it came to pass [while he was explaining to them the Scriptures], as he sat at table with them, he took the bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they knew him: and he was no more seen of them. And they said between themselves, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and when He opened unto us the Scriptures."
Of note, this meal with the risen Lord was NOT Holy Communion. It was a normal meal and it proceeded like this:
- The Scriptures were opened and read.
- A blessing was said.
- Food was distributed.
Luke 24 suggests a pattern for conducting Morning and Evening Prayer in the home; it suggests the liturgy be read just before, after or even during a family/community meal. It also teaches us that we may reasonably expect everyday mealtime disciplines such as this to lead to faith, for in verse 34 we read that because of their encounter with Jesus, all the disciples were subsequently able to say:
"The Lord is risen indeed."