Daily Gleaning - There is no health in us
How easy it is to allow prideful and vainglorious thoughts to build up inside us! But for Anglicans that attend to their Confession of Sin twice per day, the doctrine that Christ ONLY is good stands boldly in the path, allowing no one to pass without laying aside their pretensions of personal righteousness and expectations of special reward. "And there is no health in us. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders."
Many modern revisions of the Book of Common Prayer eliminate or water down these words. Some even replace the Confession of Sin with a Confession of Need, but by doing so they relinquish their claim to being Anglican. Article XV states it clearly:
CHRIST in the truth of our nature was made like unto us in all things, sin only except, from which He was clearly void, both in His flesh and in His spirit. He came to be the lamb without spot, Who by sacrifice of Himself once made, should take away the sins of the world: and sin, as S. John saith, was not in Him. But all we the rest, although baptized and born again in Christ, yet offend in many things: and if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.