Gleaning - The Five Solas
The Five Solas, a lecture series by Ashley Null
It is the mark of Christian humility, that we live through God's grace alone, for His glory alone, by faith alone, under the authority of Christ alone and according to Scripture alone. These five are referred to as "The Five Solas of the Reformation."
- Scripture Alone
- By Faith Alone
- By Grace Alone
- Through Christ Alone
- To the Glory of God Alone
Here they are taught from a strictly Anglican perspective in full agreement with the 39 Articles. Below you will find a link to the lecture series presented a little over a year ago by the Rev’d Canon Dr. Ashley Null, Senior Research Fellow of the Ridley Institute and theological advisor to the Diocese of the Carolinas. The lectures were part of a clergy retreat for the Diocese of the Carolinas and were filmed at St. Andrew’s Church, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina on February 19 & 20, 2015.