The Protestant Reformation
Lutheran Reformations
Martin Luther
Philip Melanchthon, The Life of Martin Luther Part 1 Part 2 (Project Wittenberg)
Philip Melanchthon, Of the Power and Primacy of the Pope (Project Wittenberg)
Papal Bull Exsurge Domine (1520) (Apana)
The German Peasant Revolt: Selected Documents
The German Mass and Order of Divine Service (1526) (HHTP, Hanover College)
The Book of Concord: Lutheran Confessions, 1529-1580 (Project Wittenberg)
Jacob Boehme, The Supersensual Life (CCEL)
Reformed Reformations
John Calvin
Theodore Beza, The Life of John Calvin (Evangelical Gleanings)
Theodore Beza, Faith & Justification (Reformation Ink)
Theodore Beza, The Two Parts of the Word of God: Law & Gospel (Reformation Ink)
Theodore Beza, Jesus Christ the Son of God (Reformation Ink)
Ordinances For The Regulation of the Churches Dependent Upon the Seigniory of Geneva (1547) excerpts (HHTP, Hanover)
Genevan Ecclesiastical Ordinances (1561) excerpts(HHTP, Hanover)
Complaint of Nicholas de la Fontaine against Servetus (1553) excerpts (HHTP, Hanover)
Zacharias Ursinus, What Is The Gospel? (Reformation Ink)
Zacharias Ursinus, What Is Catechism? (Reformation Ink)
Radical Reformations
Schleitheim Confession (1527) (Anabaptists)
Michael Sattler's Trial (1527) (Anabaptists)
Caspar Schwenckfeld, A Discourse on Freedom of Religion, Christian Doctrine, Judgement, and Faith (Schwenkfelder Library)
English Reformation
William Tyndale, The Pathway to Scripture (1531) (William Tyndale Home Page)
Thomas Cranmer, Letter to an Imperial Ambassador on the King's Divorce (1533) (Internet Medieval Sourcebook)
Act of Supremacy (1534) (Northpark)
Anne Bolyn, Letter to Henry VIII (1536) (Letters Magazine)
The Suppression of Glastonbury Abbey (1539)(Internet Medieval Sourcebook)
Thomas Cranmer, Necessary Doctrine (1538) (Reformation Ink)
John Bradford, The Places of The Law & The Gospel (1548) (Reformation Ink)
John Bradford, The Old Man & The New (1548) (Reformation Ink)
John Bradford, The Flesh and the Spirit (1548) (Reformation Ink)
John Foxe, Acts and Monuments of the Church (1563) (CCEL)
The Thirty Nine Articles, 1571, 1662 (Internet Modern Sourcebook)
Scottish Reformation
John Knox
Scottish Confession of Faith (1550) (SWRB)
Secondary Sources
Peter C. Erb, "The Life & Thought of Caspar Schwenckfeld von Ossig" (Schwenkfelder Library)
John Fenton, "In God's Stead and at God's Behest" Semper Refermanda
Lowell Green, "Change in Luther's Doctrine of the Ministry" Semper Refermanda
Tal Howard, "Charisma and History: The Case of Münster, Westphalia, 1534-1535" Essays in History 35 (Virgina)
Franz Posset, "The Threefold Pastoral Care According to Bernard of Clairvaux and Its Impact on Martin Luther" Semper Reformanda
Bjarne W. Teigen, "The Case of the Lost Luther Reference" Semper Refermanda
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Project Wittenberg
Reformation Ink
Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
Reformation Index (Dr. Hans Rollmann, Memorial U.)
Martin Luther House, Wittenberg
Reformation Guide (MSU)
The Life and Thought of Jerome Zanchi (1516-1590)
Schwenkfelder Library (Oxford Hypertext Project)
Treasures of Saxon State Library: The Reformation in Germany (Library of Congress)
Reformation Research Library (Lutheran Brotherhood Foundation)
Semper Reformanda
The Electronic Sixteenth Century Journal
Reformation Pictures (Dr. Hans Rollmann, Memorial U.)
Christian Classics Ethereal Library