Puritan Library
Books Listed by Author
Alexander, Archibald
Thoughts on Religious Experience
Anderson, Brian
Overwhelmed by His Grace
(scroll down page)
Augustine (345-430)
Confessions, The Enchiridion & On Christian Doctrine
A Treatise on Grace and Free Will
A Treatise on the Gift of Perseverance
The City of God
Anti Pelagious Writings
On Christian Doctrine
Predestination of the Saints
Bates, William 1625-1699 The Queen's Puritan
The Great Duty of Resignation
Sermons on the Forgiveness of Sin
Spiritual Perfection unfolded and enforced
Beckwith, Francis J.
"Why I am Not a Relativist." In Why I Am A Christian (.pdf)
Berkhof, Louis
Summary of Christian Doctrine
Manual of Christian Doctrine
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)
The Reformed Pastor
The Saints' Everlasting Rest
Directions for Young Christians (20 chapters)
The Cure of Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow, by Faith
Beeke, Joel
Family Worship (.pdf)
Bringing the Gospel to Covenant Children(.pdf)
Binning, Hugh
The Common Principles of the Christan Religion
Boettner, Loraine
The Inspiration Of Scripture
The Reformed Faith
Limited Atonement
Calvinism in History
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
One of the best overall treatments of the doctrines of grace. Readable style and strongly recommended
Bonar, Andrew
Sermons, Addresses and Articles
Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889)
Follow the Lamb
Bible Thoughts and Themes
God's Way of Peace, A Book for the Anxious
God's Way of Holiness
How Shall I Go to God?
Words to Winners of Souls
The Rent Veil
Bible Thoughts and themes (OT)
some works
The Everlasting Righteousness - The Everlasting Righteousness is an excellent study on the Biblical doctrine of justification
Booth, Abraham
The Reign of Grace - classic on the Sovereign Grace of God
Boston, Thomas (1667-1732)
The Beauties of Boston
Human Nature in its Fourfold State
The Sinfulness of Man's Natural State
Memoirs of the Life, Time, and Writings Thomas Boston
The Crook in the Lot
The Art of Manfishing
Christ's Name Wonderful
The Evil and Danger of Schism
Bounds, E.M.
Necessity of Prayer
Possibilities of Prayer
Power Through Prayer
Boyce, James Petigru (1773-1844)
Abstract of Systematic Theology
Bradford, John (1555
Writings of the Rev. John Bradford
Bronson, Charles
The Extent of the Atonement
Brooks, Thomas
The Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod
Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices (.pdf)
The Privy Key to Heaven
Bruce, A. B.
The Training of the Twelve
The New Testament Documents: Are they Reliable?
Buchanan, James
The Doctrine of Justification
Bunyan, John (1628-1688)
The Pilgrim's Progress
A Treatise of the Fear of God
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
Reprobation Asserted
The Resurrection of the Dead and Eternal Judgement
The Straight Gate
The Holy War
A Discourse Upon the Pharisee and the Publican
Burroughs Jeremiah (1599-1646)
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment(Online Public Domain Book)
CALVIN, JOHN (1509-1564)
Calvin's Calvinism: Treatises on the Eternal Predestination of God
Calvin's Commentaries
Institutes of the Christian Religion
The Necessity of Reforming the Church (1543)
Calvin On The Christian Life
Psychopannychia (Soul-sleep)
The Necessity of Reforming the Church
Carey, William
An Enquiry into the Obligations of
Christians to Use Means for the
Conversion of the Heathens
Chalmers, Thomas
Loving God & Loving the World (22 part study)
scroll down page to find study
Charnock, Stephen
Selections: The Existence and Attributes of God
On Regeneration
Clark, Stephen B.
Man and Woman in Christ: An Examination of the Roles of Men and Women in Light of Scripture and the Social Sciences
Cheung, Vincent
Systematic Theology
Prayer and Revelation
Born Again
Presuppositional Confrontations
Ultimate Questions
Cole, C.D.
The Bible Doctrine of Election
Evangelical Repentance
The Lord Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. It is produced by the Spirit of Christ in the regeneration and sanctification of a sinner, and is absolutely essential to the character of a true Christian.
Colquhoun, John
Crampton, Gary
Built Upon the Rock: A Study of the Doctrine of the Church (.pdf)
Toward a Christian Worldview (.pdf)
Christ the Mediator: A Study in Westminster Christology (.pdf)
Custance, Arthur
The Sovereignty of Grace
The Seed of the Woman (Plan of Redemption)
Dabney, Robert Lewis (1820-1898)
The Five Points of Calvinism
An R. L. Dabney Anthology
Free Agency and the Will
Christ our Penal Substitute
Manual of Theology
A Treatise on Church Order
Dever, Mark E.
Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (.pdf)
Polity: Biblical Arguments on How to Conduct Church Life: A Collection of Historic Baptist Documents
D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle
History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century
Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751)
The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul
Durham, James
The Fourth Commandment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich
The Brothers Karamozov
Edersheim, Alfred
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)
The Works of Jonathan Edwards
Treatise on Grace
The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin
A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God
Religious Affections
The Nature of True Virtue (.pdf)
Ecclesiastical Writings
The History of Redemption (.pdf)
Unpublished Treatise on the Trinity
Edwards on Corporate Prayer For Revival
David Brainerd
Other Writings
Flavel, John (1630-1691)
On Keeping the Heart
Christ Altogether Lovely
Other Works
The Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption
The Fountain of Life Opened Up
The Mystery of Providence
Foxe, John (1516-1587)
Foxes book of Martyrs
Gerstner, John
Biblical Inerrancy
Gibson, Jonathan
The Story of a Kingdom: A Simple Explanation of the Bible (pdf)
Gill, John (1697-1771)
The Worship of God, or Practical Religion
Complete Works
Gillespie, George
Assurance of an Interest in Christ
Wholesome Severity Reconciled with Christian Liberty
Holy Days take away our Christian Liberty Proved
The Ruling Elder An Assertion of the Government of the Church of Scotland(.pdf)
Grudem, Wayne
Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth
Gurnal, William
The Christian In Complete Armor
Guthrie, William (1620-1665)
The Christian's Great Interest
Thoughts on the Love of Christ
Christ and Him Crucified
Wanderings of a Pilgrim
Immanuel's Land
The Start of Bethlehem, A Guide to the Savior
Hellenbroek, Abraham
A Specimen Of Divine Truths
Henry, Matthew (1706-1721)
Commentary on the Whole Bible
Hodge, Charles (1797-1878)
The Covenant of Grace
Systematic Theology
What is Presbyterianism?
Systematic Theology Volume 1 (PDF)
Systematic Theology Volume 2 (PDF)
Systematic Theology Volume 3 (PDF)
Howell, R. B. C.
The Covenants
Hugo, Victor
Les Miserables
Ironside, H. A.
Holiness: The False and the True(1912)
Every present Holiness, Pentecostal and especially every United Pentecostal person, needs to read this book.
Jaffray Jr., George R.
Explosive Evangelism
James, John Angell
Female Piety—The Young Woman's Guide through Life to Immortality
The Young Man's Friend and Guide Through Life to Immortality
The Young Man Leaving Home
CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: The Church Member's Guide
The Sunday School Teacher's Guide
CHRISTIAN LOVE, or the Influence of Religion upon Temper
Jong, Peter Y. D.
The Covenant Idea in New England Theology (.Pdf)
Karlberg, Mark W.
Covenant Theology in Reformed Perspective (.pdf)
Right click and save to folder on hard drive
Keller, Tim
A 20-Day Study in Stewardship
Kersten, G.H.
The Heidelberg Catechism in 52 Sermons
Kuyper, Abraham (1837-1920)
The Work of the Holy Spirit
Lectures on Calvinism: The Stone Lectures of 1898 Six Lectures Delivered at Princeton University, 1898 under the auspices of the L. P. Stone Foundation
Ladd, George Eldon
The Last Things: An Eschatology For Laymen
Luther, Martin (1483-1586)
CCELs works of Martin Luther
Table Talk of Martin Luther
A Treatise on Good Works
Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535)
Bondage of the Will - Martin Luther's Magnum Opus - De Servo Arbitrio (pdf)
On the Babylonish Captivity of the Church
On Secular Authority
Works of Martin
The Night Watches
The Rainbow in the Clouds
The Thoughts of God
Memories of Patmos (Revelation)
The Shepherd and His Flock
A Chapter in Providence & Grace
Rest and Refreshment in the Valleys
Memories of Bethany
Machen, J. Gresham (1923)
Christianity & Liberalism
The Christian Faith in the Modern World
Three Articles on Atonement
Christian Faith in a Modern World
The Gospel in the Modern World
Manton, Thomas (1620-1677)
A Practical Exposition of the Lord's Prayer
Christ's Transfiguration practically explained
Christ's Temptation
Christ's eternal existence and the Dignity of
his person asserted and proved
Sermons upon John 17
A Treatise on Self-Denial
An Estimate of Manton by J.C.Ryle in 1870
The Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God
Mauro, Philip (1859-1952)
The Hope of Israel: What Is It?
Mather, Cotton (1663-1728)
Writings of Cotton Mather
M'Cheyne, Robert Murray (1813 - 1843)
M'Cheyne's Calendar for Daily Bible Readings
The Glory of the Christian Dispensation
Home Page
Melville, Herman
Moby Dick
Miller, Samuel
The Ruling Elder
More, Hannah
Practical Piety
Murray, John
The Covenant of Grace
The Sovereignty of God
Murrell, Stanford E.
The Doctrines of Grace Scripturally Defended
Church History 1 & 2 When the Church Was Young A.D. 33 - 754 & The Church in the Middle Ages A.D. 754 - 1517
Newberry, Thomas 1811 - 1901
Types of the Tabernacle
Types of the Temple
Newcomb, Harvey
The Young Man's Guide to the Harmonious Development of Christian Character
The Young Lady's Guide to the Harmonious Development of Christian Character
Newton, John
( Pastor, Theologian, and Author of America's favorite hymn, "Amazing Grace").
"The Doctrines of Election and Final Perseverance"
Ness, Christopher
An Antidote against Arminianism
O'Connor, Flannery
Online Essays and Books
Olasky, Marvin
TELLING THE TRUTH: How to Revitalize Christian Journalism
Thoughts on the Will
Orr, James
Christian View of God and the World
Owen, John (1616-1683)
The Death of Death (Highly Recommended)
A Display of Arminianism
Being Spiritually Minded
Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
On Temptation
A Practical Exposition of Psalm 130
Christologia: or a Declaration of the Glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ
Gospel Grounds and Evidences of the Faith of God's Elect
The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
The Glory of Christ
Of Communion With God|
The Life of John Owen
The Doctrine of the Trinity
More ...
Pascal, Blaise
A. T. Pierson
Biography of George Mueller
Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952)
Chapters 4 (Heart Work) and 5 (Sleepy Saints) of Practical Christianity
Studies on Saving Faith
The Sovereignty of God
Gleanings in the Godhead
Inspiration of the Scriptures
Regeneration or the New Birth
The Holy Spirit
The Doctrine of Justification
The Total Depravity of Man
The Doctrine of Man's Impotence
The Attributes of God
Arthur Pink Archive (extensive)
Pink Gems: The Writings of Arthur Pink
The Satisfaction of Christ: Studies in the Atonement
Philpot, J.C.
The Eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ
Piper, John
Desiring God
The Pleasures of God
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Fifty Crucial Questions
Dont Waste Your Life (pdf)
+Chapters 1-2
+Chapters 3-5
+Chapters 6-8
+ Chapters 9-10
A Hunger for God by John Piper (pdf)
+Introduction and Chapter 1
+ Chapters 2-4
+ Chapters 5-6
+ Chapter 7, Conclusion and Appendix
+ Bibliography and Notes
Counted Righteous in Christ NEW!
Should We Abandon the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness?
+ Chapters 1-2 (PDF)
+Chapter 3 (PDF)
+Chapter 4, Bibliography, Index (PDF)
+Purchase "Counted Righteous in Christ"
God's Passion for His Glory
+ Part 1, Chapter 1 (PDF)
+ Part 1, Chapters 2-3 (PDF)
+ Part 2, Introduction (PDF)
+ Part 2, Chapter 1 (PDF)
+ Part 2, Chapter 2 and Indexes (PDF)
+ Purchase "God's Passion for His Glory"
Poythress, Vern
The Gender Neutral Bible Controversy
The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation
Understanding Dispensationalism
God-Centered Biblical Interpretation
Redeeming Science (.pdf)
Plummer, William
Offices of Christ
Spiritual Exercises of the Heart
The Believer's Companion in Solitude
Christian Experience, as Displayed in the Life and Writings of Paul
Reed, Kevin
Biblical Church Government
Doctrine and Devotion
God's Will, Man's Will and Free Will
A Southern Baptist Looks at the Biblical Doctrine of Election by Ernest Reisinger
The Sovereignty Of God In Providence
But I Say Unto You
Abraham's Four Seeds
When Should a Christian Leave a Church
Tablets of Stone
Rice, N.L.
God Sovereign and Man Free
Roden, John
Man's Ruin . . . God's Remedy
Romaine, William (1714-1795)
The Self-Existence of Jesus Christ
The Life, Walk, and Triumph of Faith
Rutherford, Samuel
A Selection from His Letters
Against Separatism
Lex Rex
Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900)
Holiness (entire book)
Practical Religion
The Duties of Christian Parents (.pdf)
Holiness - Book and four-part study (rtf format)
Part I... Part II... answer key
Part III... Part IV...answer key
Schwertley, Brian
Sola Scriptura And the Regulative Principle of Worship
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
God's Law For Modern Man
Sovereign Grace An Examination of the Five Points of Calvinism
Shaw, Robert
The Reformed Faith An Exposition Of The Westminster Confession Of Faith
Sibbs, Richard
A Description of Christ
The Bruised Reed New!
L. R. Shelton, Jr.
The True Gospel of Christianity versus the False Gospel of Carnal Christianity Part I (rtf),Part II; plus answer key for students
Man's Ruin—God's Redemption (.rtf)
Shepard, Thomas
The Change Of The Sabbath
Smith, Ralph A.
The Covenantal Structure of the Bible:
An Introduction to the Bible
Spring, Gardiner
The Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character
Sproul R.C.
Essential Truths of the Christian Faith(.pdf)
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1843-1892)
A Defence of Calvinism
All of Grace
An All-Round Ministry: A wonderful collection of addresses to ministers and students. One of Spurgeon's finest works.
A Puritan Catechism With Proofs
Till He Come
The Soul Winner
The Need of Decision for the Truth &
Earnestness: Its Marring and Maintenance
The Soul Winner
The Treasury of David
Strauch, Alexander
Biblical Eldership (rtf format) plus answer keyfor students
Stevenson, George
The Offices of Christ
Peter Toon
Peter Toon books Online (Reformed Anglican)
Tozer, A. W.
The Pursuit of God
Tozer's Devotional
Dr. Van Lees
The Doctrines of Salvation
The Doctrines of Grace
Geerhardus Vos
The Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuchal Codes
Warfield, Benjamin B. (1851-1921)
Biblical Doctrines
Works of Warfield
A Divine Cordial
A Body of Divinity (Highly recommended)
The Beatitudes
The Art of Divine Contentment
Thomas Watson Reading Room
The Ten Commandments
The Lord's Prayer
The Christian Soldier
Godly Man's Picture
Wilberforce, William
Real Christianity
Winslow, Mary
Walking with Jesus
No Condemnation in Christ Jesus
Morning Thoughts
Evening Thoughts
Christ & the Christian in Temptation,
Titles of Christ
From Grace to Glory
Glimpses of Truth as it is in Jesus
Grace and Truth
Help Heavenward
Lights and Shadows of Spiritual Life
Midnight Harmonies
Our God
Soul Heights and Soul Depths
The Foot of the Cross
The Fullness of Christ
The Inner Life
The Man of God
The Ministry of Home
The Nightingale Song of David
The Precious Things of God,
The Sympathy of Christ
The Tree of Life
The Holy Spirit, An Experimental and Practical View
The Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man Classic Covenant Theology!
Sermons of the Reverend George Whitefield
A Letter from George Whitefield to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley
Wylie, J.A.
The History of Protestantism
History of The Scottish Nation in 3 volumes
The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects
Zanchius, Jerome
Absolute Predestination
Zaspel, Fred
Spiritual Leaders in the Local Church
Who are they? What are they to do? What are we to think of them?
Zens, Jon
"As I Have Loved You" John 13:34 The Starting point of Christian Obediance