Project Canterbury Timeline.
Reformation Era
Martinus Lutherus contra Henricum Regem Angliæ.
Martin Luther against Henry King of England, translated by the Rev. E. S. Buchanan, M.A., B.Sc. New York: Charles A. Swift, 1928.
The Way and Manner of the Reformation of the Church of England declared and justified against the clamors and objections of the opposite parties, by Peter Heylyn. London, 1657.
The Apology of the Church of England, by John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury. 1685.
The Works of Nicholas Ridley
Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. Henry Christmas.
Cambridge: Printed at the University Press, 1841.
A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for Any Christian Man Set forth by the King's Majesty of England, &c.
The King's Book, 1543
Introduction by the Reverend T.A. Lacey. London: R. Browning, 1895.
By Hugh Latimer
New York: E.P. Dutton, 1906. Introduction by Henry Charles Beeching.
A Catechism, by Andrew Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's. Oxford: Parker Society, 1853. [external link]
Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie, by Richard Hooker. Edited by John Keble.
The Caroline Divines
The school of Anglican preachers and theologians living under King Charles I, the Interregnum and Charles II are known collectively as the Caroline Divines. Selected writings of the Caroline Divines were collected by adherents of the Oxford Movement and published in the extensive (and never completed) Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.
The Duty of Daily frequenting the Publick Service of the Church.
By John Adamson, M. A. Rector of Burton-Coggles in Lincolnshire.
London: Printed by Ben. Griffin for Samuel Keble, at the Turk's-Head, over against Fetter-lane, in Fleet-street, 1698.
The Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology
The Non-Jurors
- By Individual
Jeremy Collier, 1650-1726
George Hickes, 1642-1715
Thomas Ken, 1637-1711
William Sancroft, 1617-1693
Nathaniel Spinckes, 1653-1727
- By Title
The Confinement of the Seven Bishops.
[London: no publisher, 1688]A Vindication of Their Majesties Authority to Fill the Sees of the Deprived Bishops
By Edward Stillingfleet
London: Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1691.The Unreasonableness of a Separation from the New Bishops
Or, A Treatise out of Ecclesiastical History, Shewing, That although a Bishop was unjustly deprived, neither He nor the Church ever made a Separation; if the Successor was not a Heretic.
Translated out of an ancient Greek Manuscript in the Public Library at Oxford, by Humphrey Hody, B.D. Fellow of Wadham College.
London: Printed by J. Heptinstall, 1691.Of Christian Communion
By John Kettlewell
London: no publisher, 1693.Reasons for Restoring Some Prayers and Directions as They Stand in the Communion Service of the First English Reformed Liturgy
By Jeremy Collier
London: Bettenham, 1718.Of the Three High-Churches in England.
From The Independent Whig (London), Number LI, December 31, 1720.Jacobite and Nonjuring Principles Freely Examined in a Letter to the Master-tool of the Faction at Manchester with Remarks on Some Part of a Book Lately Published, Intitled, a Christian Catechism, &c. said to be wrote by Dr. Deacon.
By J. Owen.
Manchester: R. Whitworth, 1742. [External link]A Letter from an Old Friend, to the Congregation of the Chapel at Old Deer
[By John Skinner, Bishop of Aberdeen]
Aberdeen: Printed by J. Chalmers and Co., 1798.The Lives of the Seven Bishops Committed to the Tower in 1688
Enriched and Illustrated with Personal Letters, Now First Published, from the Bodleian Library.
By Agnes Strickland
London: Bell and Daldy, 1866.Life and Writings of Charles Leslie, M.A., Nonjuring Divine
By R. J. Leslie.
London: Rivingtons, 1885.The Orthodox Church of the East in the Eighteenth Century: Being the Correspondence between the Eastern Patriarchs and the Nonjuring Bishops.
By George Williams.William Law's Defence of Church Principles: Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, 1717-1719. Edited by J.O. Nash and Charles Gore.
A Biography of Thomas Deacon, the Manchester Non-Juror.
By Henry Broxap.
Manchester: University Press, 1911. [External link]The Nonjurors
By S. L. Ollard
From S.L. Ollard and Gordon Crosse, eds. A Dictionary of English Church History
London: Mowbray and Co., Ltd, 1912, pages 411-414.The Non-Jurors and the Eastern Orthodox
By H. W. Langford, Vice-Principal, St Chad's College, Durham.
A Paper Read to the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius Conference at Durham 26 June 1965
William Palmer [of Magdalen]
William Palmer [of Worcester]
An Examination of No. 90 of the Tracts for the Times.
By the Rev. Frederick Beasley, D.D.
New-York: Printed for the Author, and for Sale by the Principal Booksellers, 1842.
- Figures
- Texts
On Some of the Prevalent Objections to Ritual Observances: A Sermon Preached in S. Barnabas' Pimlico, on the Second Sunday after Easter.
By G. R. Portal
London: J. T. Hayes, Joseph Masters and J. H. Parker, 1854.A Narrative of Certain Circumstances Which Took Place at St. Paul's Church, Yorkville; to Which Are Appended All the Correspondence and Papers, Which Came to Hand during the Unhappy Discussion.
Toronto: H. Rowsell, 1856.Conversations on Ritualism
Anonymous [Attributed to Charles Woodruff Rankin]
New-York: Hurd and Houghton, 1867.The Public Worship Regulation Act (1867)
A Layman's Protest against the Purchas Judgment. In Reply to a Letter of the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London.
By Robert Brett.
London: Rivingtons, 1871.The Ritual of S. Mark's
By Henry Ritson (1873)Sermon on the English Priests Imprisoned for Conscience Sake (1881)
The Easter Festival in S. Clement's (1890)
Bryan King and the Riots at St. George's-in-the-East
By William Crouch
London: Methuen, [1904].Report of the Royal Commission on Ecclesiastical Discipline (1906)
- Modern Writings
The Influence of John Mason Neale and the Theology of Symbolism from Anglo-Catholics and the Vestment Controversy in the 19th Century with special Reference to the Question of Authority, by the Reverend S.D. de Hart.
Ph.D. dissertation, Oxford University,
Modern Resources
- Essays by ...
Dr. Marianne Dorman
On Lancelot Andrewes and the Caroline DivinesThe Reverend Rene Kollar, OSB
Saint Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, PennsylvaniaThe Reverend Canon Arthur Middleton
St. Chad's College, DurhamThe Right Reverend Geoffrey Rowell
Bishop of GibraltarThe Reverend Canon Professor J. Robert Wright
Historiographer of the Episcopal Church
The Influence of John Mason Neale and the Theology of Symbolism fromAnglo-Catholics and the Vestment Controversy in the 19th Century with special Reference to the Question of Authority, by the Reverend S.D. de Hart.
Ph.D. dissertation, Oxford UniversityPatterns of Orthodox Witness: Some Principles from the Nicene Fathers.
By Jeffrey N. Steenson.
From Rebuilding the House of God: The Lambeth Quadrilateral of 1888. Report of the 1987 Theological Conferences, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: St. Peter Publications, 1987, pages 101-109.The Measure of a Bishop: The Episcopi Vagantes, Apostolic Succession, and the Legitimacy of the Anglican "Continuing Church" Movement. By Eric A. Badertscher. A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Division of Christian Thought in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Church History. September 1998
St. Ignatius of Antioch and the Renewal of the Anglican Episcopate, by the Reverend Rodney Hacking
Baxter to Cummins: The Debate over the Language of Baptismal Regeneration in the Book of Common Prayer, 1662-1873, by the Reverend S. Gregory Jones.
M.Div. thesis, General Theological SeminaryA Linguistic Bridge to Orthodoxy: In Memoriam Isabel Florence Hapgood
By Marina Ledkovsky. A lecture delivered at the Twelfth Annual Russian Orthodox Musicians Conference, 7-11 October 1998, Washington, D.C.Was Father Field a Christian Socialist? by the Reverend Robert Rea
Archbishop Ussher's Proposal for Synodical Government (1641): Its Scriptural and Patristic Origins and Its Relevance for Today
By the Reverend Dirk C. Reinken."Thy Word is All, If We Could Spell": Romanticism, Tractarian Aesthetics and E. B. Pusey's Sermons on Solemn Subjects. By Christopher Snook, B.A. (Hons)
M.A. thesis, McMaster UniversityThe Impact of Tractarianism on the Maritimes.
By the Reverend Canon Robert C. Tuck.