Anglican Catechisms
There are several catechisms that might be counted as Anglican. If there is any catechism that might be considered authentically Anglican it would be Nowell's Catechism, of which there is a shorter version which has been incorporated in the Book of Common Prayer since 1662. The larger and far better version which we present here was used for teaching purposes for at least the first 200 years of Anglicanism's existence, and is so thoroughly respected that it might be considered almost on a par with the Homilies for determining how Anglicanism is defined.
A second Anglican catechism that is not quite so well known, because officially it is not Anglican, is the Heidelberg Catechism of 1564 . Notwithstanding the handicap of its foreign origin, because the Church of England has considered herself to be Reformed, Anglicans have used it as if it were their own. It is loved for its personal and devotional warmth, its theme of “comfort” and its emphasis on how the person and work of Jesus Christ benefits the believer. Its pattern of questions and answers make the catechism accessible, while the conspicuous use of “I,” “me,” “my,” and “mine” make the theology warm and practical.
In the last few years, there has also appeared a third catechism, To Be A Christian, an Anglican Catechism. Its chief advantage is that it appropriates somewhat more modern language. Nevertheless, it also departs in several respects from traditional Anglican doctrine.