Reformed Anglican Fellowship

Reformed Doctrine | Common Prayer

Reformed Doctrine | Common Prayer 

Daily Gleaning - Presence Where?

In the first revision to the Articles of Religion (1571), Article 28 had an important paragraph removed. In Thomas Cranmer's original 42 Articles (1553), he explained at length why the Body of Christ is not 'in' the sacrament of the Lord's Supper except spiritually and by faith. Here is the paragraph unwisely removed by Archbishop Parker when the 39 Articles were revised. 

"Forasmuch as the truth of man's nature requireth, that the body of one and the selfsame man cannot be at one time in diverse places, but must needs be in on certain place; therefore the body of Christ cannot be present at one time and in many and diverse places. And because, as Holy Scripture doth teach, Christ was taken up into heaven, and there shall continue until the end of the world, a faithful man ought not either to believe or openly to confess the real and bodily presence, as they term it, of Christ's flesh and blood, in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper."
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Reformed Doctrine | Common Prayer