Anglican Timeline
- To 400: The Roman era.
- 400-600: Era of Celtic monk-missionaries.
- 600-670: Christians gain effective control of Britain.
- 670-1340: The Medieval period.
- 1340-1400: The Middle Ages continue
- 1517-1564: The Reformation.
- 1564-1660: The Era of Puritanism
- 1660: Restoration of the monarchy under Charles II.
- 1584-1776: America is colonized
- 1738-1784: The "Great Awakening"
- 1776-1789: Origin of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States
- 1833-1890: The Victorian era.
- The Oxford Movement
- Dealing with Modernism
- World Missions and the Social Gospel
- 1870-present: The Ecumenical Movement and Religious Communities
- 1888-present: Modern times.