About the Library
With respect to doctrine, this library is not exclusively Reformed. With respect to liturgy, this library is not exclusively Anglican. With respect to both doctrine and liturgy, this library contains books and articles that are both consistent and inconsistent with the principles of Reformed Anglicanism. It is here for purposes of education and reference.
Our archive of material is growing. If you don't find what you are looking for, come back soon. Please also let us know what you think we should include here.
The library is an archive of archives and is organized only loosely. Nevertheless, we hope you find it helpful that we have gathered into one place items that pertain to the greater topic of Anglicanism, and specifically of Reformed Anglicanism. If you appreciate these efforts, we ask to to make a donation as God has enabled you. 100% of all donations are set aside for church planting and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.